Volpris tools
Prison Volunteering coordinators self assessment
If you want to know more about the Prison Volunteering coordinators self assessment, please click on the button below.
Prison Volunteering coordinators Training Course
If you want to know more about the European CJS Volunteer Managers Training Course, please click on the button below.
ENGLISH: Training Course for volunteering managers in the prison context (talentlms.com)
POLISH: Volpris – Kurs szkoleniowy koordynatorów wolontariatu w Europejskim Systemie Sądownictwa Karnego (talentlms.com)
GERMAN: Volpris – Training für Ehrenamtskoordinator*innen im Strafvollzug in Europa (talentlms.com)
FRENCH: Volpris – Cours de formation pour les Gestionnaires bénévoles du Système de Justice Pénale Européen (talentlms.com)
PORTUGUESE: Volpris – Programa Europeu de Formação de Gestores de Voluntariado em Meio Prisional (talentlms.com)
ROMANIAN: Volpris – Training pentru coordonatorii de voluntari din sistemul european al justiției penale (talentlms.com)